Monday, January 19, 2015

Four sisters together

Brownsville: Present 53  High 73  Low 54
Ida Grove:    Present 29  High 47  Low 29
6 weeks since surgery, Not healed yet.  Lord, please help my body heal.  I am concerned about if I will be able to go back to work and the few sick days I have left on my contract.
     We went to Gail and Bruce's for waffles this am.  I hung out at home. Denny and Mandy went to SC to fit Denny  for a knee brace. About 9:30 we went to Wal-mart.  Gail and Sarah had pedicures, Jean got a hair cut.  We had a lunch of leftovers.  Most went to play shuffleboard.  I napped and watched Netflicks.  About 3 the weather was beautiful,  Jean and I went for a walk and visited Lamey's.  Then it was so beautiful we sat out on the dock.  A phone call fro Denny and potluck at 6.  I stayed at the game room and worked with another person on a jigsaw puzzle.  Home for Heartland and bath.  Hendersons went to the island for the afternoon and supper.  Denny worked on rrepairs at home.  He sent lots of pictures. Such a great day in the Valley.

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