Saturday, January 17, 2015

Saturday in the Park (4 Seasons)

Up at 4 and lie quietly until 7.  Nancy and Gail went down to the community room.  I stopped there before going to WalMark.  I needed more Iprofen and Tylenol. Nice morning , sunny and warm.  I work on the computer out on the sunny deck.  About 1 Dave and Sarah got here on the plane.  We ate lunch with them.  Beth B. texted.  Plan to talk to her later today.  Nap and video in the afternoon.  Then to Henderson to play Joker.  Home for leftovers.  Denny had Awana meeting.  Nice phone calls with Grands.  Nice phone call with Denny.  Cooks have a dog naming contest going on.
Pictures:Brooks and Kane at Hirshmans

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