Sunday, January 18, 2015

Jean on her way

Brownsville: Present 55  High 69   Low 54
Ida Grove:     Present 28  High 43   Low 24
6:10 am    Jean texted that she was on her way... Boarding the airplane.  Good news.  The rest left for church at Port Isabelle.  I listened to some Daily Bread out on the deck. Grands called while they were on their way to donuts.  We picked up Jean at the airport about 12:15.  In the afternoon the gals went to South Padre for a market at the convention center.   I napped at enjoyed the nice weather.  Then I went to visit Sylvia B. Denny and I facebooked and I saw all the things he has been fixing and working on.   Nancy fixed homemade ice cream and Shrimp boil for supper.  It was great! We ate out on the deck.  A beautiful night.  I called Lauren K. and talked to her tonight.

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