Saturday, January 24, 2015

Headed up north

Up early to see Jean off on her 6 o'clock flight.  I put together the accommodations for Iowa Assessments and sent off to Donna, Lynzie, and Cathy.  G&B took me to the airport about 8:30, but there was no one to check my bags at that time.  A guy who missed the 6 am flight called me when the check in was manned.  That was so nice. B&I took the 2 check in bags so I could just be let off for the 1 pm flight.  No problems as I flew.  I was sore as I waited for the flight to KC so I lay on the floor and watched Heartland.  For about 2 hours.  Denny and Matt were there to meet me at the airport.  We got home and I rode with Becky to get Haley at a friend's birthday party.    Matt and Becky are doing well on their challange.  We visited until about 11.  So nice.

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