Sunday, January 4, 2015

Sunday sitting on the beach

Slow getting around today.  Nancy needed to be at choir practice at 8 so we left for Port Isabelle at 7:30.  I drove to the beach after letting her off. Denny called there at 8:45 on the way to donuts with the Grands.  My winter coat was needed, but I did see some sun during the 45 minutes I was there.  I stopped at a flea market on the way back to Brownsville and bought an orange/peach sweatshirt for $4.  At home I napped and worked on check book. All after noon the 3 of us watched TV.  Jane fixed baked potato supreme for supper.  We went to Bingo, but I wasn't comfortable.  I did win $1.50. At home we had hot cocoa on the deck and Gail and Bruce joined us.  It was about 59 degrees.  Nice day in the valley even though we watched way to much TV.  The Notebook, ball games and HGTV.  Nice couple of phone visits with Denny.

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