Friday, January 2, 2015

Cold (52) rainy day

Slept until 7.  I started on check book from last year.  About 9:30 we went to Port Isabelle.   Nancy went to choir practice, Jane and I explored the shops for an hour, then we went home.  Bruce, Gail, and Keith went to Harlengen golfing.  cold    I made potato soup for supper. Plus cheese bread.  About 5 Keith called and said his flight was canceled... fog.  We went up to get him in Harlengen.
When we got home we had soup.  Denny called and we had a great talk.  Missy stopped over to visit with him and she told him how Brooks got sick in the Honda as they were leaving for Hidden Acres.  Funny story.  We watched the great Gatsby.  I had never seen it before.  The internet is going again.  It has been down since Tuesday and I had used 90% of connection yesterday so Denny bought another 5GB for $20.  Will be happy to pay $10 per month.  Pictures from December 2013 when Bruce, Maynard, Keith and I were in Brownsville before the new year.

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