Thursday, January 22, 2015

Hunting Valentines with Jack

Slow am. It started out mild today, but as the afternoon went by it got windier and colder.   We went to Hendersons for pancakes in am.  Then we just hung out, played Joker, and read.  I made some vegetables on my new grill sheet.  They turned out okay.  Started sweet potatoes in crock pot.  At 11:45 the rest went to play bridge.  Gloria came down and I showed her my blog pictures.  Jack and I left for CVS about 2, we got a valentine for Gloria.  Then we went to popeii for icecream.  I stopped by Sylvia's on the way home.  Nice visit.  She gave me her doll from Germany that Mandy loved when she was in Teas when Mandy was 1.  What a pretty doll.  I can't believe that she gave it to me.  We girls went out for Mexican.  It took a while to find a place., but the food was great.  At the trailer, the others went to play bridge, I read and watched Netflix.  Denny and I talked,  The man came to do the stairway to the basement.  The picture looks great.  We got a bird book from Jane in the mail.   Too cold for hot tub.  Another great day in the Valley. Pictures from the day

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