Saturday, January 3, 2015

Let's see, it is Saturday The days float together.

We ate breakfast at the community center for $5.  Great meal:  scrambled eggs, salsa,  hash brown's with onions, bacon, link sausage, patty sausage, bacon, biscuits, gravy, coffee, and grits.  We left about 8 for the Harlengen airport.  Keith got headed back to Minneapolis.  We stopped at 77 flea market.  Lots of stuff to look at.  I bought 2 table runners. 6 avocados @ $. 50 each, and 3 pineapples for $1 each.  Wow, my favorites ... cheap.  Pretty fun to look around. Then we looked at different Mexican places to eat supper.  We got some choices.  I worked a little on the computer and checkbook.  I cut the second able runner into napkins and pinned them, but I couldn't get Jean's machine to work right.  Jane, Nancy and I went to eat at a Mexican place o Minnesota.  The tamales were good.

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