Thursday, January 8, 2015

Happy Birthday Matt!!!!


7 am Weather:
Brownsville:   Present 43  high 47  low 42
Ida Grove:      Present 20  high 20  low -2  Wind chill advisory

I guess Brownsville is not too windy or too cold compared to Iowa.  :)  Jane and I left for Progresso about 10.  We had lots of fun.  Ate at Garcia's, Jane bought lots of trinkets for Dubuque stocking next December. Nancy, Gail and Bruce played bridge at noon.  I napped at home. Then we went to a shop on Boca Chica.  I fixed supper of one pot pasta, salad and ice cream for dessert.  Joker game at 7.  Hot tub after.  Another nice day in the Valley.  Continue to be in need of Tylenol and ibuprofen.

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