Monday, January 26, 2015


Met Mandy at Holstein.  So great to have her go along.  We stopped at Goodwill, then went to my appointment.  It was a good report.  She said that I am healing about the way I should be healing.  It just takes time- She said support looked good, and my pain is normal ...  as the stitches dissolve.  She cauterized some area to help the sutures heal.   I should be able to teach full time on Feb. 9th. I left Mandy at a store while I had  a quick visit with a home school family.  Then we shopped again. We had a hard time finding some black yoga capri pants for Anabel.  Mandy got a couple sports jackets for Brooks and a couple shirts for Evan.  I mainly looked.  At 1:30 I had a root canal done.  It was 6 months ago I had seen them last and so they had to take another x-ray.  Wow for the sounds!  I really don't like drilling, and it went on a long time. I need a check up appointment because the xrays showed one root being shorter that the other root and his microscope showed the pulp going out the side of the root.  It was after 2:30 when we headed back to Holstein.  Mandy had to go to work at 6 and so she napped on the way home.  I headed home to lie down.  Grandma Laurie went to gymnastics with Anabel.

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