Friday, January 9, 2015

Another 2 hour late start

Good Morning
In Brownsville:  Present 44    High 55   Low43
In Ida Grove:      Present  2    High  5     Low -6     2 hour late start due to large snow drifts.  There is a wind chill advisory.
I stayed in bed until about 9.  I talked to Denny and Missy in the am.  Then I got ready and rode to the Port with Jane and Nancy.  At the island I got 4 orange glasses at a thrift store.  We ate Itailan - Great food for lunch.  At home I napped and worked on the computer.  We had leftovers for supper.  Denny headed to Cherokee after work to go out to supper  with Mandy and Jason.  Phillip is in St. Joe for a CNA conference.  Brooks went to Tori's after school and Missy was watching Johnson girls after school. Jane and I went over to play chicken with Hendersons about10.  Still sore, even after laying around in bed about 6 hours today.  Pictures of B'ville stepping stones that Keith put in place.  (very handy) and the Iowa deck and supper with the Cooks without me  chilly, wet  rainy night tonight.

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