Weather in
Brownsville: High 71 Low 57
Ida Grove: High 10 Low -14 Two hour late start
While I ate breakfast, I couldn't see the
rasaca so I asked Bruce if he could trim the orange tree. He and Gail trimmed and carried away branches. Gail and Jane went to line dancing. I sat out on the deck for a while. It was beautiful. After lunch of leftovers with Bruce and Gail I went to the deck. When Nancy came back from changing oil and washing the car, we ate out on the deck. Nan went
into take a nap. I went to talk to Gloria, but she was resting after getting a shot. Jack and I took his golf cart around the park and I drove him around the park and then to our dock area. It was so fun. Nancy and I went shopping. She bought a new printer, I bought 8 napkins at Dillard. We had supper; Jane fixed chili. Nice phone calls with Denny, Missy and Mandy. Day with the least pain so far.

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