Monday, January 5, 2015

Missing dog

Brownsville 62/48    
Ida Grove 11/ -2  Winter storm warning   School early dismissal 12:30
Gail, Bruce and Jane went to the gym at 8.  I got a few things at Walmart, less than 2 miles away. Nancy went to do beading at 9:45.  I stayed home and watched TV, worked on the computer. Leftovers for lunch.  Around 2:30 we went to Pier 1 where Gail bought a rug she had been looking at.  6 was potluck, around 10 Gail invite us over to sit on the back deck.  Chilly, but clear.  The rasaca was still and reflected the moonlight. 

I sent Donna this email:
Donna, I saw your missing dog post on Facebook and thought of my grandkids costume...  too funny Glad the little guy was found.    Have a happy birthday, Faith

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