Thursday, December 28, 2017

Brownsville Arrived

We left San Marcos about 8:50.  It's a 5 hour drive to BV.  It seemed to go so slow.  We stopped at HEB for groceries before heading to 4 Seasons.  We walked and looked at went up and down nearly every aisle.  No one was at the trailer when we got there, so we unpacked.  Lots to haul in.  Joan came over for a quick visit before the sisters came home.   The mattress came and so everyone went in the bedroom to watch it inflate.  Denny, Bruce, and I walked to CandC wings.  It was fun to have all nine of us there for supper.  Back home we played Joker.  Nice afternoon in the valley.  Much better when Denny is here this year.  Thank you, Jesus.
Rose is a pretty cute little girl.  It was fun to watch her open/play with boxes instead of gifts.

Set up new mattress

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