Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Early out!!!!

We like being retired. It was so nice to snuggle in bed and not have to be up and doing.  I called Eileen and talked about ordering lisianthus for next year.  Denny checked on when our Wayfair order is coming.  It was good to find the info on a text.  I went to get the kids at the early out.  The nursing home was not taking visitors because it is the  flu  season, so we didn't get to see Paul and MaryAnn.  At home Evan wrote pages for his novel, Brooks played with toys in the hallway and Anabel and I worked on redoing a dress for the Christmas program.  I hope she wears it.  I think it really turned out cute.
Missy picked up Anabel before she went home.  Awana at 6:30.   The numbers were down, I suppose colds and flu.  Nice night visiting in sunroom after Awana.

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