Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Beautiful Christmas with Susan

I went to the OG Train this am from 7-11.  Then 20 of us went out for buffet at Pizza Hut.  Nice bunch of people.  They come from many towns in NW Iowa.  Kiron, IG, Sac City, Lakeview.  Most are over 70 years old.  One guy is 100 and comes from Sac City to sort and fold clothes.  One gal said it is just like doing four hours of folding laundry.  I came home and made onion rolls for Susan's Christmas meal for home school moms.  I invited Lisa VK for a surprise.  Sixteen ladies, Teresa P. spoke of the early days of home schooling.  It was really nice.  Wonderful Ladies.  T,S, and I visited until 11.

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