Friday, December 8, 2017

Lots of going

Full day...  Wonderful  ... Thank you, Jesus!!!  I was up early to drink smoothie in prep for my CT scan.  12 ounces at 6:30 and 8:30.  CT Test at 9.  While I was up there I got my mammogram. (I got a letter Monday that I checked out ok.)  I filled the car with gas and stopped at the bank and took food with me to Arthur.  Then I stopped at Arthur and took food with me to Storm Lake.  I picked up Minh and we went to the bank for lunch.  It was really good.  Bozwells catered pot roast meal.     We loved it.  I took Jeep wheel cover to leather shop to get new zippers put in.  Minh bought some warm boots for Shane.  We picked up Laura and made a wal mart run.  We stopped at sos,  After I took Laura back to IG I took a quick nap on Stephen's bed.  I was so tired I fell asleep while I was driving for a second just outside of IG.  Pretty scarey.  At 3pm I was at the school to help with TAG soup supper.  There was lots of good help and Missy is well organized.  Denny and I stayed for all of the boys game and then went to Jensen's for a visit before going to bed.  Torren had a friend over for his birthday.  Becky made the perfect cookie cake.

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