Friday, December 15, 2017

Wrestling ... Tough!!

Full day today!!!  I was so excited that when I woke up too early, I just lay in bed and looked forward to the day.  And, of course, I followed the directive, "Lie Still".  I was in Danbury by 9:20 visiting a home schooler, then to Mapleton.  At home Denny was busy finishing a project.  I headed to Carroll to get the Prius tires rotated and balanced and the oil changed.  We met Missy in Arthur at 4 and headed to Cherokee for a wrestling meet.  Uffta!!! Now that is hard work!!! I was so proud of Brooks watching his first time wrestling. Afterwards the Jensens came over for ice cream, frozen pizza, nestle's quick, corndogs, to see the computer room project and the cold closet, and eat guacamole and visit.

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