Friday, December 29, 2017

In the Valley

Nice leisurely am.   Denny fixed coffee.  At 10 Nancy and Jean had choir practice, Jane and I walked on the beach.  I was so happy.  Instead of driving north to a public beach access, I parked the car and we walked thru a hotel outside sidewalk and got to the beach.  We walked a couple of miles before going to pick up Nancy and Jean.  We stopped at HEB, then I fixed stir fried veggies for lunch.  We played pickle ball with 2 Bruces and Gail.  Denny's table and chairs were delivered.  Bruce helped put them together.  We went to Joe's Oyster Bar.  It was so great.
Ordered Lisianthus flowers from Gro n Sell

On a very sad note ... a man in the park died tonight.  Unexpected.  59 years old. Just retired 2 weeks ago.  He was from Ontario and his daughter and other family members were visiting.  

Chairs and table together and out on deck
Ordered lisianthus from Gronsell

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