I guess Kane woke up around 5 am and threw up. Nice start to the day for Becky. We had cereal and left over gravy for breakfast. I got out all of the refrigerator contents and the family picked out food they would like to take with them. Luke took onions and sausage, Matt ate the hamballs at 10:30, Mandy took the chili, Missy's kids would eat peanut soup. We started doing bedding. Denny used the sanitize with oxiclean setting on the new washer. Get rid of those bugs!!! Jack was up around 6:30. I sent Mandy back to bed. She was so happy when she got up and I told her that Jack had a blow out when she was gone. Oh, yes!!! It was major. I did not have any diapers, but I washed him and put a big towel around him. I thought the fresh air might help his diaper rash. Before they left Missy took a picture of the 4 in 2016- now 6 in 2017 picture set re-creation. I think it would be great if it was a yearly photo shoot. Denny went in to IG with Matt to get his signature on the lock box. Matt left the basketball hoop for Dad to deliver/ assemble at a later date, otherwise the kids got all the big stuff put into their vehicles. The visitation for G'pa Phillip was 4-7 pm. After they got to Pocahontas, Evan was not feeling the best so Missy was with him at the visitation and she brought the 7 Jensen cousins home a little early and put them to bed. Shannon and Andrew stayed in our bnb. Our house looks very clean, so I guess it is time to head south. :)

Grandpa's presents for the babies!!!
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