Friday, December 1, 2017

headed Du east

I got up and took Jensens to school at 7:30.  That way Phillip could take the van to Odebolt to drive the bus and they could leave from school with the van.  We picked up 3 Grands and headed to Dubuque.  We ate lunch at the Parkersburg exit.  Funnily, Jan and John C. were right behind us as we left highway 20.  We got to the water park about 4.  Right to our rooms and then G'pa chilled and kids were anxious to get to the water park.  Finally we all did go down to first floor.  We had been there a while when Gail called to ask where we were.  Denny had left the car parked right in front of  Grand Harbor when we unloaded the car ... and it was still there.  Pretty funny. Next 4 hours were in the water park.  Lots of fun.  The hands got all wrinkly.  Betsy and Wade were there early, too.  Luke's and Cooks arrived and ordered sandwiches.  I went to Bruce's room and ate cheese dip and chips. Our family has the 6th and 7th floor.  Mandy commented that last year they brought 2 bags and 2 presents ...  There was a little change this year.  :)

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