Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Subbed for PE

I got up early to get ready for school.  I was in town about 7:30 and so I helped at OGT until I went to school at 8.  I really did enjoy subbing PE today.  She had no class from 10-10:50 so I went to help at OGT again.  I did some copy machine work for Ranae.  I headed home after class.  Denny had spent the day working with the onions that he grew this summer.  He baked onion rings and chopped onions.  He made zuppa with potatoes that were left in the garage.  At 6 I drove to Kiron and left my car there, then I rode to Denison with Missy and Anabel.  It is always fun to watch Anbel at gymnastics.  Then I went to Storm Lake to get Laura after her class.  I got home about 10:45.  Denny was sleeping and the dishwasher was running.  The kitchen is looking lots better than it did when I got home from school.  Matt went to Haley's concert and Rose showed her moves on a clip.  So cute!!!!  She really got her groove on.  :)  This clip is a keeper.  

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