Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Cherokee lunch

I baked the onion dill buns that I mixed up last night.  And use the container of sour Kraut to make rueben balls.  Boy, it has been a long time since I have made them.  I took Anabel's doll house and figures into the Grain Train and Sallie M. came and bought them.  It was Sharon's birthday, so we had cake.  I stopped at the bank and decided not to get cash, instead write checks for tax purposes.  At 11 4 of us met to carpool to Cherokee.  Teresa, Ginny, Sharon and myself.  It was fun to have soup at Mandy's and dessert at Molly's.  Jack was wonderful and it was fun to visit and see their homes.  I got home about 4 and took a quick nap.  The roofers were just finishing up.   I went to Jensens about 5 and we went to gymnastics Christmas program.  Super fun Day!!!!

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