Monday, December 18, 2017

It was a wonderful Jack of a day!!

Got up at 5, excited to travel north for the day.  Jack and I had fun.  He held a bottle with both hands while I was on my phone ... or maybe it was while I was watching tv and changing the channels.  Any way that is something new for this week.  I was going to make soup, but couldn't figure out how to use the stove,... I know lame excuse, but it is the truth.  I stopped for groceries in IG.  When I got home Denny had cleaned the garage ... getting it ready for a dining room when family come home.  Julie P. came over with a gift for me helping to take meals to the field when she went with Darwin for cancer treatment.  Great to visit.  I started another batch of potato soup and onion buns.  Uffta!! Lord, guide my day tomorrow. 

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