Thursday, December 14, 2017


I was at Jensens a little after 6 am.  Missy went in to school with Phillip to work on lesson plans.  From Odebolt I headed to Doses and spent $30.  I got 10 china dolls and 10 matchbox cars for the Awana store.  At home Denny had gotten a hold of Wayfair and the shipment came today.  The Jeep wheel case was fixed so I drove to Storm Lake to get it.  I volunteered at SOS for about an hour and then picked up Laura and took her home. She left Isabelle there and then we went to Study at Ginny's.  She had a devotional on us Flakes.  So fun!! :)  On the way home I called Missy and gave them a ride to IG.  They got new tires on the van.  Denny was working on his project when I got home. We had orange chicken for supper then we headed to Grands Christmas concert.  Very good.

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