Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Doctor appointment

Slow beautiful morning.  I battled the biting flies and went out and weeded.  For a while the bug repellent worked and then those flies didn't care, they just bit and bit.  Doses brought supper right before we left for the appointment with Dr. Meyer.  His check up went well.  The doctor gave him the go ahead to train for ragbrai ... now if only Denny felt good enough to train.  As we were leaving the hospital Denny noticed Mark's truck.  A God thing: He was just coming out after having a knee scope done and needed a ride home.  We brought him home for Dose's supper and later Denny took him to Odebolt.  Brent called about Phillip and I asked about getting the grainery moved.  ??? Hopefully!  In summery, :) I was really glad to get some of the weeds pulled today. 

Pictures: Last night nice walk to dirt road with Keelie.  Keelie loves to go on walks and LOVES Denny (or anyone else that will show her attention, (ie pet her, feed her, talk to her)

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