Thursday, June 28, 2018

Happy birthday Kane!!! what a day!!

Happy 7th birthday Kane!!!!  We love you so much.  I am thankful for the joy you add to our lives.  It was fun to visit your school and eat lunch with you.   And thanks for washing my car!!

Tried to stay in bed until 6.  The kitchen was a mess and so that was first on the agenda, and then the laundry room!!!  So hard to know where to start when everything is a mess because I left it that way.   Denny and I went into town to deliver flowers to Sue K. and get a grasshopper hose at Napa.  We fixed pizza for lunch with Jensens.  8 gals for study. TP,SG,Jean A,MKR,JP,PG, JP,RT,  I picked some flowers to add to the ones I got from Mandy and put together 14 bouquets and put them in the cooler.  We got the lawn mowed.  It was so beautiful to sit out at the CSA barn and enjoy the night.
Denny went on his first bike ride since surgery May 30.

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