Thursday, June 7, 2018

Get ready for study

I was up and headed into Dose at 8.  I did get a plastic table cloth to make into 6 inch square vase covers.  Hope it works.  The flower gardens are weedy.  Hope I can get to them sometime, maybe Saturday, kinda depressing because it seems they are doing so poorly.  Nice bunch at study: SG,SG,TP,RT, MKR,LS, JP, Afterwards Denny took a nap, I went to Jensens to watch them pack.  They came for supper: Kathi's pizza casserole, and asparagus and desserts.  I called Janice B. to invite her to use the wisteria for a photo shoot with her daughter, Alma Devine.  The wisteria came from Alma's home.  So pretty.

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