Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy Father's day, Denny !!!!!

I woke up about 7.  After showering I took a cup of coffee over to the Hendersons to say goodbye.  I headed home and I went to church in Arthur.  After church we drove to Cooks; they grilled burgers for John, Jan, and us.  It was really nice!!  We stopped back at church to pick up a meal that Mary G. had made.  It has been such a blessing to have friends at the church fix some meals.  They are such good cooks; we have had great meals that lasted for several meals.  Naps and then we went to the Arthur Fire Department grilling.  At home Denny rode the bike about an hour and  I picked flowers to put in cooler.   We ate with Mandy.  Luke called and we showed Rose the kitty on facetime,  Denny called Missy and we heard a short synopsis about their busy, information packed week.  Matt had texted earlier this am and we spent the afternoon with his family yesterday at Atlantic.   Such good Dads.   I am so thankful for Denny and the kids we have!!!  Lord, keep them in the center of your will.

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