Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Jack Day

Luckily, Mandy told me that the river overflow in Cherokee had closed Highway 59, so I took Alpine north to 520 street.  It worked very well.  Denny and Anabel had breakfast on the deck.  So nice that she stayed at our home last night.  Another fun day with Jack.  After Jason left for work Jack and I played in the garage for a while, Jack liked to carry around a golf club.  We came inside and played for a while, then Jack slept from 9:30-12:15.  Two and a half hours.  Now that is a morning nap!  After lunch we went to the other G'ma and were there for about an hour.  We shopped  a little and when we came out of a store into the day light,  Jack sneezed 3 times.  Apple didn't fall far from the tree.  An hour nap this afternoon.  Before I left I picked some lilies; Cooks are going to be gone for 10 days.  At home, I started mowing after Missy had mowed the soccer field.  Denny grilled pork chops for supper plus sweet corn on the cob and potato salad.   We ate on the big heavy picnic table that Denny moved from the trust house.  Love those meals with the Jensens. 

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