Monday, June 11, 2018

Home today

Dear me, I should have worked outside, but ... no.  I finished cleaning the bnb.  I cleaned out the back hall closet.  So hard to organize sheets, table clothes napkins and sewing material.  I tried to make a purple flat sheet into a fitted sheet.  Uffta!!  I had the sewing machine out and I had to put more thread on the bobbin and so I decided to continue sewing and I went to the basement to get the blankets off the beds and take 9 inches off the length.  Mary Kay was bringing supper and at the last minute I texted Lynn and asked her to join us.  Wonderful meal and time visiting before Denny had to go to a search committee meeting.  I just waited at church until the meeting was done.  Keep praying that our church and the new pastor candidate are in the center of God's will.  We watched The Great British baking show and ate 2 more of the wonderful buns that Mary Kay brought for the brisket BBQ.  YUM!!   The Grands had a great time in the creek/culvert on the hot Saturday they were here.   Fun!!!!

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