Saturday, December 31, 2022



*1. before amen  Max Lucado  Power in prayer good book   2 hours 1/22

2. Walk of Faith Richard Paul Evans. 4th in a series good series. 1/22. 6 hours

3. The Nightingale Kristin Hannah  Great book on 2 estranged sisters in France in 1940's war.  Strength of women.  17 hours   1/2022 UFFDA!! Started reading it again 4/22   It seemed familiar, and, yes, I had read it.  Well, by mistake I borrowed the book again in April and it was so good the second time that I decided to listen to it again.  What in inspiration for women.  How we can come out victorious through the toughest of times 17 hours  listened to the last 3 hours as we drove home from Texas.  4/10/2022

4. A Gentleman in Moscow Amor Towles good book on Russian aristcrate who is sentenced To life I Hotel.  Many short venues that coordinate at the end of the book. 1/26/22 20 hours

5. The Return of the King  JRR Tolkien  This wasn't my favorite series.  I had a hard time keeping track of character.  But I got it done.  SO glad there isn't a Quiz on the plot.    1/2022 18 hours

*6. Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World.  Kristen Welch  Betsy recommended this book.  It was really good. I'd like for my kids to read it.  Feb/22

7. An Echo in the Darkness  Francine Rivers  In Bible times, Roman trader grieves over gal in the lions den.  22 hours  2/2022

8. Gentle and Lowly. Dave Ortland writing about Christs love and character  6 hours Feb /2022

9. The Woman they could not silence  Kate Moore  I was 2 hours short of finishing this book when it was returned .. Uffda!!  Good book about woman in 1860's who was committed to an asylum by husband by him declaring her insane and her character to fight battles and correct injustices.  2/21/2022  13 out of 15 hours  Wise friend of the accused mentally illness.  Received again in April and finished reading.   The epilogue continues to see unfairness in our times.  Elizabeth Packard  "One woman her incredible fight for freedom and the men who tried to make her disappear" Dr. Andrew McFarland  Jane N. recommended 4/21/2022  

10. Aftermath  Terri Blackstock  Good book about what happened after an Explosion.  I finished reading it on a cold afternoon at SPI beach with blanket wrapped around me.  8 hours 2/25/ 2022 

11. The Four Winds Kristin Hannah   Good book.  The first book Denny said he enjoyed listening.  The story about 1930s Texas young woman and the grit & love it takes to survive during the dust bowl, famine, cotton workers strike.  18 hours  3/3/2022- 15 hours 08/2022

12. The Great Alone Kristin Hannah  The story is of dysfunctional family that moves to Alaska.  This is the second book I have read by this author that features a male with many negative characteristics.  3/4/2022 15 hours

13. Glory Over Everything  Kathleen Grissom  Story of slavery, aristocrat who is in fact black and his struggles.  Underground rail road.  Good read.  16 hours 3/9/22

14. The Great Reckoning  Louise Penny  Mystery from Canada.  Training cadets concerning old map, city, and murder.  Investigators.  14 hours  3/2022

15. Double minded  Terri Blackstock  Just an OK read  Story of music industry murders.  Recommended by TP?  14 hours 3/2022

16. The Lincoln Highway  Amor Towles  Adventure story of 18 year old and 8 yo brother leaving the farm, when 2 others show up to waylay their plans to California by going to New York first.  I read it on the phone. 990 pages  3/2022 

17. Fall of Giants Ken Follett  LONG BOOK  LONG BOOK... WWI War 5 families  in war struggle. coal miners, aristocrats, newspaper,  Oh, my not my kinda book with a lot of battle info.  Maybe Kathy R. recommended the Author?  31 hours  3/2022. 

18. American Dirt  Jeanine Cummins  Good read for me living at southern border 3-4 months of the year.  In comprehensible struggle of son and mom escaping cartel in Mexico.  Lord, show me how to use this information for Your Glory.  17 hours  3/2022

19. The Maze Runner  James Dasher  Fantasy is not one of my favorites.  Book 1  Thomas enters group of youth trying to escape unknown.  Hovering, moving maze 11 hours  3/2022 

20. The Giver of Stars  Jojo Moyes  English woman marries a man from Kentucky.  This is the story of  WPA Pack Horse Librarians of Kentucky 1935-1943.  Good book, women's capabilities are stressed.  12 hours  4/2021

21.  Finding Noel  Richard Paul Evans  Adopted girl searching for her sister Noel who was adopted by another family.  5 hours April 2022

22.  Walking on Water  Richard Paul Evans  5th and Final book in series of Alan Christofferson's walk from Seattle to Key West after his wife died.  The Walk  - Miles to Go - The Road to Grace - A Step of Faith 71/2 hours  April 2022

23. A Step of Faith  Richard Paul Evans  4th book in the series.  I listened to it last year, but didn't record it.  6 hours   4/2022

24.  The Noel Diary Another good read by Richard Paul Evans.  A man who was abused as a child and  who is a writer goes to the house he grew up in after his mom died in search of info about his life.  Finds diary of 17 year old woman who is pregnant.  5 hours 4/2022

*25. As Sure as the Dawn  Francine Rivers  Another good read that lifts up Christ.  Set in bible times plot is a slave woman who is raising a child that was given to her and heathenish father wants him back.  Story of witnessing to Christ in all that you do.  3rd in a series:  1st A Voice in the Wind   2nd An echo in the darkness.  20 hours April 2022

26.  Where the Crawdads Sing  Delia Owens  Good read about a swamp girl surviving on her own in the swamp, learning about the beauty of the marsh and nature.  Murder in the plot.  12 hours  4/21/2022

27 The Pillars of the Earth  Ken Follett  LONG book  This long of a book is not my favorite.  It was a good read but too much description of violence, vile, and debuchary.  That stuff is not my favorite.  41 hours.  April 30,2022

28. Anything Jennie Allen  Book of encouragement to give our all for Christ.  6 hours May 2022

29. Shoebox Francine Rivers Short story about foster child who carries a box with him.  2 hours May 2022 

30. Unashamed: Rahab Francine Rivers Historical fiction of life of Rahab.  Gives insight to what might have been in her life.  I always wondered how a woman was part of the linage of Christ when she lied about the spies she hid on her rooftop.  2 hours. May 2022

31. Pilgrims Progress John Bunyan Wonderful allegory of the life/ choices / struggles of a Christian.  A lovely book  10 hours May 2022

32. The Priest Francine Rivers  Another book from Francine Rivers which I really enjoyed, giving us an insight to what might have happened during Aaron's life.  He was the older brother of Moses.  7 hours May 2022.  

33. Invisible Child  Andrea Elliot  Pulitzer Prize Winner  One of 10 best books in 2021.  Documentary following young black girls life for 8 years in welfare system, in poverty, in NYCity. 21 hours June 9, 2022.  I listened to the book at 1.75 (the speed of light).   

34. Get Your Life Back John Eldredge Sunday School study book  How to get disengaged from the snares of this world.  6 hours  June 2022  

35.  The Warrior:Caleb Francine Rivers  A man of Faith and Zeal for God.  He encouraged Joshua

*36. One Tuesday Morning Karen Kingsbury Story of 9/11.  Fireman and corporate business lives as impacted by 911.   I would like to read the books that follow.  14 hours  June 2022

37. My Antonio Willa Cather     Early American Pioneers in Nebraska   Interesting plot ... I may or may not have finished listening to the book.  I could borrow again.  7 hours  June 2022.

*38.  The Masterpiece Francine Rivers  Good book about an artist and his believing personal attendant.  They both come from broken families/ relationships.  16 hours June 2022

*39. The Color of Water James McBride  I really liked this book.  12 year journey of Jewish young lady with an unhappy childhood marrying a black, man.    I love that character and her energy and goals and ability to instill excellence in her children. Recommended by Susan G. 7 hours   July 2022

40. President of the Whole Fifth Grade Sherri Winston  This book was available and so I borrowed it to listen to.  I'm sure it is a 5th grade student  discussion book to encourage right choices in the students' lives.  5 hours July 2022

41.  A Painted House  John Grisham  Poor Arkansas cotton farm family,  migrant workers, brutal murder, workers needed for harvesting the cotton,   All from the viewpoint of a 7 year old.  Up close and personal look at a different life than I've lead.  12 hours July 2022

42. Forget me not  Ellie Terry Middle school girl struggling with her dad dieing,  mother needing a man,   plus moving a lot, plus turrets syndrome.  3 hours  July 2022

43. Fire on the Mountain Edward Abby  A loner man standing against government to try to take over his land. American individualism  7 hours July 2022

*44. The Girl in His Shadow Audrey Blake I really liked this book.  Young woman rescued from the  plague by physician, instructed and trained by him.  Her skill was not recognized by the culture.   13 hours July 2022

*45.  The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry John Mark Carter  Wow this is a good painful book.  There is a lot to evaluate, consider, Lord, may I make good use of the time on tithe you have h=giving mil  

46. Even Now Karen Kingbury  Pregnant high school girl and choices made by adults that reformed the lives of the HS parents. Many viewpoints  mother/father/daughter/grandparents  11 hours July 2022

47. The Shallows Nicholas Carr  How the internet is wrecking our brains.  10 hours Might not have read all of it.

48. The Personal Librarian Marie Benedict  Victoria Christopher Murray  Historical FictionNovel about JP Morgan's p.l. Belle da Costa Green, a black woman who was forced to hide her true identity and pass as a white to work for him.  12 hours  12/2022

*49.Mary Emma and Company Ralph Moody I loved this book as it looked at a struggling family in 1906 thru the eyes of an 8 yeat old. 7 hours 09/2022 

 50. The Nickel Boys Colson Whitehead 2 boys lives who were sent to a juvnile reformatory. Based on a real story. 7 hours 09/2022 (maybe didn't finish) 

 51. The Chinese Siamese Cat Amy Tan short story 15 minutes 09/2022 

 52. The Moon Lady Amy Tan Short story 20 minutes 09/2022 

 53. The Valley of Amazement Amy Tan Not my favorite Study of 2 women (mother/daughter) relationship spans 2 lifetimes and 2 continents 22 hours 09/2022 

 54. A Woman is No Man Etaf Rum 1990 Palestine 17 year old gal marries and travels to New York. Struggles as woman/daughter in law having 4 daughters- beatings. 18 year old daughter Controlled closed world silence violence 10 hours 08/2022 


 56. Forget me not Ellie Terry Teen age book about Tueretts stdenr struggles. 3 hours 08/2022 

 57. Fire on the Mountain Edward Abbey A man makes a stand against Government taking over his land, 7 hours 07/2022 

 *58. The girl in his shadow Audrey Blake I liked this book alot. A young orphaned gal helped a Doctor and was not acknowledged for her skill. 13 hours 08/2022

 59.The Home Ranch Ralph Moody Good easy listening story 12 year old working cattle ranch 9 hours 09/2022 

 60. The Fields of Home Ralph Moody Moody family moves from Colrado to Massecheutts. Ralph goes to live with his Grandfather. 10 hours 09/2022

61. Father and I were Ranchers Ralph Moody placed on hold

62. Nathan Coulter Wendell Berry  I couldn't get into this book.  Sorry, Phillip.

63.  Man of the Family  Ralph Moody  At 11 Ralph's father died and he became man of the family.  He was an entrepreneur.  9 hours 09 2022. 

64. Present over Perfect Shauna Niequist   Her search for a better life, leaving frantic, too busy, people pleasing for less stress and more enjoyment of the present and appreciation of what we have.  5 hours 10/2022

65. have a little faith  Mitch Albom  Author was requested to give his family Rabbi's eulogy.  Wisdom shared:  page 200. "story of recent life"    page 143.  Love that lasts.  The kind of enduring love when you realize you have it by the life you have created together.  page 210 importance of forgiveness.  book read 10/2022

66. Eat Pray Love Elizabeth Gilbert NYT best seller, but maybe not my favorite time spent.  A lady's search for peace in Italy, Bali, India.  Read the hard copy from 4 seasons library  10, 2022

67. The Lilac Lady Ruth Alberta Brown   


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