Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Last day in Kathmandu Dec 27

 I slept well... well maybe I did wake up several times wondering how the flight home home will go.  I just kept telling myself that God is in control and there is no one that I would rather go on an adventure than Denny.  So bring on the adventure of leaving Nepal Dec. 28 at 2:30 am ...  Flying 4-5 hours to Dohha to spend 3 hours before ... getting on a 15-17 hour flight to Chicago O'Hare where we have 2 hours to get our luggage and go through customs to arrive in USA. ...then find the gate for the Minneapolis 2 hour flight.  And then land in Minneapolis at 7:15 pm the same day we left.  Uffda!!  Bring it on God!!  An adventure.    Missy fixed us a great breakfast.  

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