Sunday, December 18, 2022

Feeding Sapana Elephants

We were up and leaving about 6:30 for Chitwan.  The roads are crazy!!! There are so many rut holes, small passages for big trucks and traveling scooters, cars, etc.  Steep falls on mountain side of the road.  The check engine light was coming on in the Scorpio.  It definitely was a God thing that there was a Mahandra car dealership right across from where Phillip had planned for us to eat in Gandaki.  The lunch place was amazing!!  Pretty gardens, pretty swimming pool, Beautiful view of river below.  Great seating.  Afterwards we took the car to be checked and upstairs of the dealership was a Himalayan Coffee shop.  It was spacious and had great seating.  Another God sighting to have a sweet place to wait while the car was being looked at.  It took about an hour and a half to get to Sapana.  An elephant with a man riding walked by as we were parking, they greeted us with flowers and hot tea as we waited on a pretty patio.  T'was so good to sit and relax for about an hour then we napped in our room until 5 when we went to make elephant candy.  Rice reeds, folded and made into a container for rice grains and molasses, which is enclosed and a reed tied around the bundle.  OH, My!  Feeding the huge animals was amazing!!!  We ate supper by candle light  outside in their dining facility.  Our room was very nice, but as I am up at 2 am working on this blog, I can't find a plug in for my 3 electronics.  We'll see.  Hard to live without electronics..... :)

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