We left for the airport about 10:30. We took 2 taxis, Evan stayed home, kinda feeling under the weather. We only had 2 suitcases, not the 6 we took to Nepal. SO GOOD TO BE HERE WITH FAMILY. Hard to hug and leave. We are blessed. We got checked in and the trip begins. flight left at 2:45am. Traveled 5 hours to Doha with a 3 hour layover there. Next comes the 15 hour flight. I was called to the check in area. A terminal attendant came to me and said she changed my seating so I would be sitting next to Denny during that flight. Well, at least the guy who sat beside us on the aisle wasn't sleeping the entire flight, so we were little more comfortable asking him to get up so we could head to the RR. The flight to Chicago went without a bump. Uffda!! The turnaround time was limited. We knew we would have to keep moving. AND THE LINES WERE LONG ... VERY LONG.... AND LOTS OF THEM. First the lines thru Customs The line snake went back and forth 10 times. I counted about 30 people in each line X 10 lines so that's 300 people. AND there are 2 lines in the room. So I'm thinking there were in the lines close to 1,000 people before us. Uffda!! I sent out need for prayer to the family. Suddenly there was a lady who appeared to funnel those in the front of the line to the correct custom check in booth. There were 7 checkin n booths on our side of the room. SO thankful. We hurried to get our 2 suitcases from the luggage carousel. YES!!! Now to the American Airlines check in. Dragging our suitcases. Note to self. Keep looking at the airport signs carefully. I grabbed Denny and pointed out the sign that headed us different direction. UFFDA!!! Another huge line at AA. And the time speeds on. Flight to Minneapolis leaves at 5:45, boarding time 5:15. AND THE LINE IS LONG. YES!!! We got luggage checked in and headed to the correct gate. YES!!! The monitor said 6 minutes until boarding. BIG sigh of RELIEF. No complications on the trip. We rode to Minneapolis just fine. We found our luggage and a cart and texted Luke. He had timed it just right. Leaving home, ordering hamburgers, arriving at pickup area as we waited outside. YES!!! SO glad to be with family on US soil. We stopped to get take out red meat hamburger (Denny WAS NOT interested in Asian food after having 3 meals of Chicken Rice and vegetables on the flights.) and headed to Lukes. SO GOOD to see the Excelsior family. Oh, I'm glad to be home. I headed to bed, so tired. Denny visited longer and Luke told him that our Jeep had a funny sound yesterday and Karen didn't use it.

SO WE LEFT AT 2:45 am from Nepal and arrived in Minneapolis at 7:15 pm after traveling 5 (flight) plus 3 (in Doha) plus 15 (flight) plus 2 ( in Chicago) plus 2 (flight) = 27 travel hours. UFFDA!!! I could add 4 hours in Kathmandu before flight to Doha So may be 31 travel hours in air and airports.
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