Saturday, December 3, 2022

Saturday in the (WATER) park

 I was quiet, left our hotel room, and went down to the breakfast area for coffee.  T'was good to see all the family:  Nancy, Craig, Marilyn, (Missing Sue and her 5), Betsy Wade, Marti, Maggie, Molly,  Ben (missing Becca) Benson, Beau, Rae Lynn. Julie, Josh, Joe, Erin, Barb, Jeszo, Toekoe, Two Lonni, Tundi, Gail,  Bruce, Hope, (missing Scott, Beth, Todd, Julia) Brad, Micki, Amelia, Beckett, Tillie, Faith,Denny, Matt, (missingBecky and TJ), Haley, Wyatt, Kane, (missing Missy and her 5) Luke, Karen, Rose, Lincoln, Mandy (missing Jason) Jack, Tyler, Jean, Arlan, (missing Katie and Adam) Everett, Aleen,  (missing Christie) Beth, Steve, Jason, Grant, Keith, Jane, Justine, Jaimie, Jessa, Nancy, Steve, Willow, Ian,  Bruce, Maynard (missing Devon)  ... plus Steven, Sydney, Staci, Myrna, Dobbin, Linda, Gerry,  Equalling about 69 of us.    Most of the young parents and kids spent time at the water park before food came to the Platinum room about 10:30.  Santa came.  Arlan did a great job!!!! A lot of ho ho ho's.   The famous/infamous grab gift exchange was next.  I just enjoyed visiting with adults as they waited for their number to come up.  I brought home a stained glass made by Nancy,  Denny brought his Teifentaler gift card back with him.  Luke got the spatula/ hot pads that I brought.  Lots fun.  I went bowling with Matt and 3.   Mandy ordered pizza at night.  Some went to the casino later to spend adult time together. 

Tyler was bombarding me with bubbles.

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