Thursday, December 15, 2022

Last day of school before break.

I got up and made Egg in the Hole and heated pepperoni to eat with them.     Denny loved the 8-9 am assembly.  We check in to the school, we are given a badge and then we headed to the assembly,  It was a farewell for students that were leaving KISC.  First the 2 primary students.  Their teacher prayed for them.  Then the 2 secondary students who were leaving came to the front. When older students leave ... their classmates put together a minute video of pictures of them .... then 2 students tell about their friend that is leaving and .... then a third friend says a prayer for the friend that is leaving and their future.   After the students leaving part of the assembly the main student director/ superintendent asked Missy to come up.  He jokingly said ,"We have good leaving and happy staying of a staff member at KICS.  He said it was Mrs. Jensen that was leaving the position of head of support and staying at KISC as the Head of Primary.  It was thrill to be there as they acknowledged Missy's contribution to the school.  A stafff member spoke of Missy's friendship and skills and prayed for her.  Wow  good to be there.   Afterwards Denny and I went to Create cafe for coffee and I bought some samples of their bakery.   About 10 I went and bought somosoes at the neighborhood's school cafeteria.  Phillip picked us up to go the the Soccer meet at an athletic center.  It was great to watch, students, then women parents versus staff, and men's parents versus staff.  We left there and went to get cash...  Rupees, some groceries, and diesel fuel for the vehicle.  Phillip also took us by the guest house that God has brought them to and now they are waiting to see what God will do next,  Missy's teaching visa is for 5 years and will need to be updated.  A business visa is always welcome in N.  Lord, continue to lead guide, and work in people's hearts.   At home Denny and I waited on the 3rd floor, sitting in the sun, viewing the city and waited for the kids to come down the street on their way home from school.  At night we ordered pizza and chilled in the living room and decided not to go to Chitwan until Sunday morning.  Missy has a days work of graduate class and it seemed good to just have a chill day tomorrow.  Another great day in SE Asia.  

Missy's is the white scooter.

KISC teachers that played soccer.  

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