Sunday, December 18, 2022

Safari in Chinwan

I slept well in the Nepal bed.   We had preordered breakfast.  The dining areas in this place are so pretty.  Lotsa wood and bamboo and wicker.  We took a hand hewn/carved out long boat/canoe across the river.  Pretty cool, there were little stools to keep your bottom off the floor of the boat.  Once we crossed the river we got in kinda a jeep with seating for 9 on the top.  Our guide said there were 19 eyes to be on the watch for animals.  And off we went, from about 9-5 riding on bumpy, lumpy roads looking for wildlife.  We saw tame working elephants, 4+ wild boar, deer-  2 kinds, crocodiles, peacocks, The citing of the rhinoceros was during our lunch on the top of a look-out tower.  We left our food up on top, went quietly down, jumped in the jeep, and rode up for a closer quiet look and photo op.  On the way home at dusk we had the most exciting citing.  On the road in front of us was a black bear.  We approached, slowed down and stopped at where he entered the brush on the side of the road.  As we stopped it stood, just feet away from our vehicle and growled.  Uffda!!!  Phillip jumped, The guide jumped, Denny jumped, I jumped, Missy about fell off the vehicle with all the jumping going on.  O ...  did we cry out ... in fear ... and then we laughed ... A lot!!    "Cause we were safe.  The other impressive citing was after we crossed the river on the return to "the city".   Rita, the Rhino, was just mosey-ing  down the middle of the street in the downtown area of the city.  Amidst lots of vehicles, camera, pedestrians,   Oh, my there you go ... Rhino on the runaa!!!  We ate at a Mexican "Jalepino" restaurant.  Good food and good times with family visiting about our excursion.  Brooks, Denny, Missy and I stayed to look at stuff for sale in shops.  I got 3 trinket containers that fit inside each other.  Brooks just enjoyed looking. Phillip had a phone call he had to make at 7.  Afterwards we just chilled and visited. Another great day in SE Asia.  

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