Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Happy Birthday TJ!!!

Happy Birthday TJ!!  May God continue to guide and lead you your whole life.  We are so proud of the young man you are becoming.  

GAME  FACE with the COUSINS at the FARM

We got almost all of our work done last night and so we took a leisurely morning packing and cleaning.  We left for Zimmerman and TJ's birthday/basketball game.  It's a long 5 plus hour drive.  We plan to get there around 3:15.  Lord, grant us safe travels.  The game is canceled because of sickness for the Zimmerman team, too bad, but we still get to visit the Z Johnsons on TJ's birthday.   Becky fixed Sausage &Rice casserole (TJ's requested meal) with corn and biscuits.  WITH a BD cookie.  Wyatt joined us for supper and TJ's friend Zoey stopped by after supper for a birthday wish. 

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