Monday, December 12, 2022

Helped at school

 I heard Phillip reading devotions to the family, so I got up.  Missy and Evan headed to school on the scooter.  I walked about 8:30, stopping to look at a booth along the way.  At school there was an assembly, then Missy started me on a project.  Punching holes in construction paper Christmas stockings for 180 students.  Well, I didn't work to do 6 at a time, and it took several tries to figure that out.  Luckily there were extra stockings cut out for screw ups like me.  Then to cut 180 strands of 36 inch yarn and put tape around one end so they could thread it threw the punched holes.  uffda!!  I got 'er done about 2, at home Denny was kinda under the weather.  He said he was tired, and was cold and couldn't warm up.  Brooks had come home yesterday afternoon with a upset tummy, he hadn't thrown up, but still not feeling good and so he was home on Tuesday, also.  At sunset , the mountains were out and so Anabel and I went to 4th floor to enjoy them.  It was a nice night with Missy and me sorting out stuff for classroom teacher party tomorrow at 2:20. 

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