Monday, December 12, 2022

Wrapped gifts!

 Up too early,  I didn't sleep well, so I thought I may as well get up.  Evan left about 5 to go workout and lift weights.  He said it is a bare minimal workout area.  I walked to school with Anabel and stayed for and assembly.  Then I stopped at Create Cafe and had a cup of tea.  I also got change for the rupees and looked at the currency.   When I got home Denny had showered.  The electricity was off and Phillip was waiting for some one to trouble shoot.  Mya was here cleaning and fixing food.  We wrapped the gifts outside.  Then we sat up on Anabel's patio and I looked at the candy for school/team treats.   Missy brought Brooks home he had an upset tummy. This is the text that Denny sent to the kids today:

So yesterday when I woke up my iPhone 14 was totally blacked out.  It had been on the charger all night.  A soft reset didn’t work, and hard reset didn’t work either.  I had done some internet research before church but had to wait. So  after church Phillip drove us to an authorized Apple repair store.  Apple has not released any “14’s” in Nepal.  So no they could not fix.  The next phone store had the same answer.  I couldn’t use touchless credit cards.  I couldn’t even use my credit card to get cash because we just had gotten new ones and hadn’t memorized the PIN numbers. (Stored on my phone) So no cash there.  I hesitantly used my debit card to get some Rupees.  I literally was sick.  I really didn’t enjoy the best Nepali restaurant meal in Kathmandu that Phillip treated us to.  No phone for 3 weeks, I can’t imagine.  I wanted to take lots of pictures!  It was Reported that friends of the Jensens iPhone 14 did  not work in Nepal and had to wait until they got back in the US to get it working.   The story ends up happy.  Missy googles the problem and comes up with a 3rd party software solution .  Brooks and I, well mainly Brooks download the software to Grandmas laptop and wala the phone woke up after running the diagnostics with a hard reset.  Mom was out in the yard praying and sharing with her Sunday School class.  Coincidence—-NOT!, God answered these prayers.

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