Friday, December 30, 2022

Packing ... aaaannnndddd it's all in the Prius.

 Both Denny and I got up early.  After coffee we started with the next thing.  Go thru the mail, pay the bills, let Jensens know the mail they have received.  My plants were swimming in water in the sun room swimming pools.  Hopefully they will survive with less water.  Denny texted Sherry about where to park the trailer, Jeep, and pickup. I called and talked to Sherry about watering the plants less.   Finally around 2 we are all packed and decided to leave tomorrow morning when we get up.  Denny took the Prius to Arthur to fill with gas and leave Sophi's gift from Anabel.   And I lay down to take a nap.  The nap lasted until 9:30 when I woke up.  From there I was awake until 3 when we decided to shower, pack last minute stuff and head south.  Luke and Matt spent the day skiing in Minnesota.  Looked like fun.  

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