Wednesday, December 14, 2022

TA get together

Phillip always starts the day with devotions around the candlelight ... so nice.  I made scrambled eggs for breakfast and rode with Phillip as he took the older 2 to school.  The assembles are fun to be at ... just to see the school up and running.  I came home before walking down to the grocery store by the seminary where we went to a neighborhood church on Sunday.  I found one round ice cube maker and bought potatoes, onions, mushrooms on the way to home plan for a potato bake for supper.   The TA get together went well.  5 pretty ladies.  After they left I scraped off the letters that were on the wall so Missy's room could be repainted, hopefully during Christmas break.  Denny came to watch Brooks play BB.  Missy started the transformation from support leader to head of primary grades by moving things around in the room she will occupy. The night program started at 5.  I suppose there were close to 250 people there. Denny called it the best Worship-SS Christmas program he had ever been to.  One song that really seemed "right" to me was Silent Night ... first in English ... then Nepal ... Chinese ... Spanish ... India ... International school.    International Song.  Afterwards they had 3 bon fires in half 30 gallon tanks on the outside with families sharing tastes of their home countries' Christmas treats.  Missy's job was to give the closing and ask parents to collect their children as they head out to the bonfires.   We sampled treats and then walked home with P,M, and Anabel.  We got home and the parents decided they should return  to school to "collect their boys". Because she was the one who actually gave the directions to pick up your kids. :)   I heated the potatoes, made a cheese sauce, sautéed onions and mushrooms, pulled leftover salsa.  It was a good meal after a good day. 



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