Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas a day early

    Thank you God for sending your son, Jesus Christ, whose birth we celebrate at Christmas ... (or the day before, December 24th)  Of course we didn't sleep in 'cause it's Christmas.  We read the Christmas story and then opened stockings.   Then we ate scrambled eggs and cinnamon rolls and then opened gifts.  Some of the memories were Brooks carton of Whoppers from Luke and Karen,  or his electric shocker pen from them.  Evan and Anabel loved their white shoes, Phillip, his biker short, Buck naked shorts for the boys, a pretty outfit for Missy,  I got pretty glass ornaments and pretty placemats,  Denny got a BBQ apron.  Jensens got an Aura.  Brooks got a basketball hoop and hangar that the boys put up.  We fixed tacos/ nachos for supper and ate upstairs on the patio outside Anabel's room.  We had strung up lights on that patio.                                                                                   


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