OKAY, the picture doesn't go with the journal. I can't even think of a "tie in" comment. Missy and Phillip +3 are in Minn using
Hirschman's cabin. July 9 - 17. I went up to the unit early to feed and turn the sprinklers on. Then home. I checked with my local banker and he said I could get cash before 8. SO I went to the drive up window. I looked at the cashier and asked him if he was going for the "Kramer look". You should have seen Denny hustle and reach for his hair to try to straighten it with his hands, He laughed out loud and said he was so busy getting ready, writing
JPI payroll checks, etc. that he forgot to brush his hair. Oh, did the staff laugh! I took Naomi the keys to the Brownsville trailer. They plan to leave on the 19
th and head to El
Paso for a couple days then head south, being back to
IG on Aug. 2. At the unit Jon, Tom, Mark and I sprayed and got all the sows moved in to the rooms. Denny brought pizza at noon. I came home about 6 dead tired. Denny and I visited for a while, then he took the tractor and mowed south of the house and across the road. I mowed the lawn. I started to watch
Invictus again, until I fell asleep. I had hoped to catch up with more what was said in the DVD. With the different dialect I figure I missed 30% of the dialogue. As I drifted off to sleep I kinda remembered that the bank teller this am rolled/slid up to the window in true Seinfeld manner. Just not quite as long of hair. :)