Denny had a bank meeting yesterday am. He has found out the Brownsville time clock applies to the bank meetings. If you are not 15 minutes early - you are late. It has taken him 11 months. I didn't run today. I'm resting up for the 5K tomorrow. I worked at the unit and was home then worked again at the unit until about 6:30 when Denny got home from work. Teresa B. had given him sweet corn and the thought of it for supper revived me. Someone in Battle Creek just gives out corn,l so she got some for us. Great supper with basil chicken and vegetables. Then we went on the Harley out for ice cream. We rode to
Denison and Yellow Smoke Park. It reminded me of the times we met
Hendersons for Mothers Day and we would hike at Yellow Smoke. We shared an Ice cream f
rappe at
McD. Nice ride.
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