I went to the unit early and found 1 water pipe leaking and a dead sow in farrowing. I told Denny and he went up to help Mark the rest of the morning. When I got home Missy went back to bed for a short time. Their night had not been too restful, (I hadn't heard anyone during the night). Later Missy and Ranessa went on a 2 mile run. About 11, the 2 families took bagels and went to see great grandma's kitties. Only Brave Heart, the gold kitten, was pet able. I manned the baby monitors as the 2 little ones slept. Matt and Becky and family came about 1:30. Denny was home then and he fixed marinated pork loin steaks and zucchini on the grill. Missy had brought RW&B salad at my request. Phillip said he had heard lots about watermelon, blueberries, and feta cheese with mint leaves salad. (Of course, I had asked Missy .. and she had told him ... and they had looked it up on the Internet. It's not really a high interest food.) Matt and Becky said they were wondering if they should get a babysitter for their kids, because when I invited them I had said I was planning to feed the little ones and then put them away.
Oh, My! My communication skills are not the best. Anyway, the seven little ones were fed in the kitchen, the eight adults sat in the sun room, not too much of a fuss was made when the door was shut, when the little ones got done eating ... out they went to play and we got to visit and referee from inside. Time to load up ... after a late lunch ... and head for home ... with planned naps on the ride home. BUT FIRST Torren asked Grandpa for a motorcycle ride. So motorcycle rides for all 7 little ones. I'm so glad it worked out for you all to visit. We thought it was super. Thanks for coming!! After everyone left, we watched a DVD and took a nap. Then I mowed the lawn while Denny washed his motorcycle. The true test of love was passed. Last week the 13th and final tree had been planted. My communication skills were still not the best, and it was planted where in time it will shade my wisteria vine. Now this vine bloomed with 2 blossoms last year ...Four blossoms this year. I have 3 neighbors that are green with envy because I have wisteria blossoms. Anyway, I think it is blooming because it gets full sun in the morning. When the tree would grow up ... presto ... no more full sun ... [perhaps no more wisteria blossoms]. True love ... Denny moved the tree where it will shade the swingset for morning swings for the Grands.
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