I called Denny and had devotions early this am. Nan warmed up leftover egg casserole. Just fine by me to be the recipient of Schrum left overs. We painted, 2 of mine ended up icky, Nan's cutting board came out neat. She had ingredients for a pizza casserole. I mixed it up. Todd H. had surgery yesterday. He had been undercut during a ultimate Frisbee game and ended up with a broken ankle, complete with plates and screws and pain. Nan and I made a trip to my favorite (next to Goodwill) store, Trader Joes. Then we looked around at the Olbrechts gift shop, and stopped by Todd and Julia's with the casserole and a Trader Joe meal. When we got back it was nice outside so we sat in the yard and watched people and traffic go by. About 7 we headed to a park that was having a concert. As we drove the park was filled with families/people. A basket ball court had 10-15 guys sweating. The sand volley ball court had 2 teams battling it out. The play grounds were full. We got a "Newhouse" spot close to the band, carried our lawn chairs and set them up. As I listened to the music I looked around and counted. I could easily see about 100 people. Probably I would estimate between 400-500 people were enjoying the concert. Of the 100 with in my view ... most of them (95) had gray hair ... Only about 25 -30 were guys ... Only 2 hats, 4 visors ... and I think there were about 80 pairs of white tennis shoes. The concert lasted about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Nice evening. 3 nursing home vans came to pick up attendees. Kinda cute a 4 year old (and her family) came dancing to the music through the people seated in lawn chairs. It made us all smile. And the crowd went wild when the director played "Celebrate" by Cool and the gang. Maybe I exaggerated alittle ... I saw 2 gals clap their hands, above their heads ... But I'm sure there was a lot of toe tapping. CELEBRATE!! Come on
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