I stopped over at the folks before going to work. Anabel had a rough night last night. She was up at 3:30 with nausea and upset digestive system. She was still in bed when I got there. I went to the unit to feed. Then home and pulled all the edible pod peas. I stopped by the folks about 11:30. Anabel had been up and eaten a half bowl of cheerios. She was dressed but laying back down in bed. I went to the unit, Howard had just had a pill and couldn't eat for an hour after the pill. Jon came about 1:30 and helped give pre weaning shots. Denny and I went to the motorcycle meeting at the city park. Then 15 of us went to Anthon to eat. I'm sure Anabel would agree,
It is not fun to have a stomach that is doing flip flops
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