Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Monday July 19

I was at the unit 5:30 -6:30. Then home to see Denny off and to the folks for coffee. At the unit I mainly worked on paper work and getting heat lamps running. Jean called today. Her biopsy came back positive. She won't find out treatment options until her appointment with the oncologist on Thurs. Keep her in your prayers. It was raining this am so I didn't run until 1 pm. Worked a little on bunk house. Wow was I surprised to see Denny walk across the yard at 4. He took off work and made arrangements to get the 4 wheeler. So in to town we went. Lynn S. and Ranae R. came for study. Good time of prayer and encouragement. Watched Daddy's little girls. Netflicks 4.75

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